Wildlife Wednesday

American Pika. Canon R5, 400mm, handheld, 1/2500 @ f5.6, ISO 1600

While the highlight of a very enjoyable autumn season was a trip up to Glacier National Park, wildlife was hard to come by for me. In fact, from about mid-summer, I found myself almost exclusively photographing scenery and landscapes. I took this as a sign and just went with it as I was coming across some gorgeous scenes anyway. But on one of my hikes in Glacier, I came across this cooperative pika. Pikas are typically found in high elevation habitat and this one was no exception, though I do know of a few places where they can be found below 7,000 feet. They reside in high elevations as they can become heat stressed when temperatures raise too high and, while their homes are often buried by snow in the winter, they don’t hibernate but instead stay awake in their burrows eating grasses that they have dried out during the summer months.

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